How will you make sure you get all the cash you receive? Controls over cash receipts are essential to prevent errors and theft. In this article we discuss arrangements you can use to make sure your get all your cash receipts. Your customers will make payments to you with cash, cheques, debit card and bank […]
Tag Archives: cash management
Cash flow, the total amount of money moving in and out of your business, affects how much cash you have. If cash is moving out faster than its moving in, you may run short of cash and may have to raise funds through borrowing, sale of assets, or raising equity. For many businesses in Ghana, […]
I made a profit but where did the cash go? This is the surprised reaction when you make a profit but have no cash to show for it. You pay bills with cash and not profit. So, whilst you’ve made a profit, you may not pay your bills on time and your business struggles. Why […]